Friday, May 31, 2013


It’s the time of the year again where I find myself sitting on the most beautiful train route down South to London. Just like last year, the most precious memories of the school year just ended fill my heart – the good, the bad, and some yet to be processed moments that feel weirdly scattered around within me, in desperate need of structure and evaluation that only comes with time.

The last couple of days were bittersweet. Among tearful and quiet goodbyes that made my heart ache in pain and took away my breath, there were countless moments of love, depth and just living. The heightened awareness of finality looming on my back made every moment special, attributing to it a worth and appreciation that exceeds anything that’s been before.

One of the things I learned this year is that the goodness of life is only as good as the bad of life is hard. I am only able to feel the exhilarating height of joy and contentment because I learned to allow myself to feel the depths of pain and disappointment. More than just feeling the absence of any positive feeling, I learned to conquer the state of numbness and attempted to tackle every ounce of hurt instead. I learned that to live fully means to have my heart aching while at the same time rejoicing in the goodness of all.

I have yet some of the hardest goodbyes ahead of me before I leave this little seaside town I call home for good. Until then, I will make the most out of Party June – starting now with one of my best friend’s bachelorette party.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday Mornings

Saturdays are my favorite, especially Saturday mornings. Whether they are spend sleeping, recovering from a night out or peacefully bumming around, Saturday mornings are always good. Saturday mornings are for pleasure - I do all the lazy things I would feel guilty about doing any other time of the week such as reading magazines in bed until well after midday, having long and extended breakfasts or just mindlessly staring out of the window. There are no pressing errands to take care of or deadlines to meet, Saturday mornings are me-time. This Saturday morning was especially cozy: I had a nice long chat with my flatmate Katie, who was gone for most of the week, sitting in her bed while it was pouring outside.

In contrast to the heavy rain this morning, the weather of the rest of the week has been rather nice. On Tuesday night, friends and I went to get some ice-cream and then went on a walk down to the Pier. The sunset was glorious, but see for yourself.

Tonight I will be going to a Eurovision Party. My friend Sharon sent me this video to get me in the mood.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Naan-Bread Pizza

I live in a house with four other girls. There are five weekdays and, rather strategically, each one of us picked one day of the week to cook for the whole house. 

My day of cooking is Magic Monday and yesterday I made the girl's all-time favorite recipe of mine: Naan-Bread Pizza. 

It is super easy to make. From start to finish it takes less than 20 minutes, no chopping, no frying, no mess - total piece of cake.

For making one Naan-Bread Pizza you'll need:
  • 1 naan bread (I usually use coriander and garlic seasoned naan bread but unseasoned will do as well)
  • 1 slice of parma ham
  • 20g of Feta cheese
  • 2-3 table spoons of green pesto
  • 1 handfull of rucola salad
  • Some olive oil

Before you start preparing the naan, preheat the oven to about 180 degrees celsius.

Next thing to do is to spread the pesto across the surface of the naan using a knife - similar to buttering a roll. Then crumble small pieces of the Feta cheese on top of the pesto layer. Make sure the Feta is somewhat evenly distributed so you don't miss out on the cheese in any of your bites.

Following the preparation, put the naan in the preheated oven for about 5-8 minutes. Remove the naan from the oven once the desired level of "crustiness" is reached. You roughly want to aim for a golden crust. 

Top up the warm naan with a handful of rucola salad and some parma ham. For the parma ham, rather than cutting it into small pieces I find it easiest to just tear the slice. Lastly, sprinkle some olive oil all over the Naan-Bread Pizza - and then, enjoy!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Web Wanderings

"We are taught ... that our worth is inextricably tied-up with male approval and that male approval is dependant on being beautiful, attractive and sexually available." - Super interesting response to nude photography in newspapers.

"Give gifts, give your time, your company, a smile, a hug, anything!" - My friend Sasha is doing a "26 Days of the Alphabet"-Challenge. I highly recommend her post on G for Giving.

As a psychology student I find this is an interesting take on hearing voices. Definitely worth watching!

"I just didn’t understand why he would get so easily annoyed with one of my cute little flaws that make me an individual!" - Insightful 'she says, he says'  account on the transition from honeymoon phase to marriage.

I really enjoyed this time lapse.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


This past weekend I had a friend come visit me from back home, which was just great. She's come to visit me every year since I started university and so by now there was not much left for me to show her in and around town. As a consequence, we just hung out, watched movies, slept - we basically lived life together exactly like we used to do when we still lived in the same town. I appreciate this kind of friendship. Even if we don't see each other for months at a time, we just continue where we left of next time we get together.

On Saturday we went on a little hike so I could take some pictures of her. Despite some overcast earlier in the day, the sun eventually shone brightly, giving the pictures a nice warm feel.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

It's always like Springtime with You

Although I inofficially finished university last Tuesday (read all about it here), there are still plenty of things to do and errands to run. I am busy like a bumble bee but in the most relaxed and awesome way ever.

Yesterday our living room was transformed into a library and people came around to revise for exams. The sun shone like crazy and we had our lunch in the garden.

In the afternoon my friend Sydney and I took a walk down by the beach, soaking up the sun while it lasted.

Judging from past experiences, this probably was the closest we will get to summer for the rest of the year. Maybe, though, if we are lucky, there will be some more sun during Party-June for hanging out on the beach and swimming in the sea.

Monday, May 06, 2013


As previously mentioned, the university I go to has a lot of ancient traditions. From Raisin Weekend (google it!) to May Dip - the academic calendar is full of bizarre traditions. Although I enjoy all of them, for me personally, it is the smaller, less publicly known traditions that have a special place in my heart.

One tradition in particular has always meant a lot to me. It is the soaking of students after they finish their last exam ever. Friends gather and pour gallons of water, glitter and whatnot on you - to wash away the worries of the past four years and to celebrate for making it through all the way to the end.

For most of my university time, the soaking tradition had been the pinnacle of all that was ever to exist in my university time. From day one, not considering graduation, THIS is what I was looking forward to, what I worked towards, and what I was excited about. It was all about this one special moment when you exit the exam venue for the last time and see all your friends standing in a big circle waiting only for you.

My soaking this past Tuesday exceeded all hopes and expectations. I was gobsmacked by the amount of friends that had turned up to soak me. Yet, it wasn't the numbers that made it special but the fact that everyone came to celebrate with me. The air was filled with jubilation - my friends were not only happy for me but they were proud of my accomplishments.

They wanted to be part of me welcoming a new stage in my life, even if they might not be a part of it in the future. In the most bizarre way, it is a testimony of an incredibly beautiful way of loving and that's what makes the tradition so special.

* Photographs were taken by my friend Claire. Check out her blog here.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

May Dip

Every year at the dawn of the first day of May, the whole student population of the university gathers at one of the beaches to run into the North Sea. From the moments of the first rays of light until long after the sun is risen, friends hurdle together, pump another up and eventually set off to embrace the ice-cold water. This year, of course, was no different. We stayed up all night playing Beer Pong and Ring of Fire before we eventually moved to the already crowded beach in the early morning hours.

I find it striking how there is literally nothing appealing about May Dip yet the tradition continues to exist. Think about it, the idea of it all is just insane and I am not going to lie, more than once I was inclined to just go to bed and sleep through it all - to avoid the cold, the wind, the yucky bonfire smell, the sand that will get everywhere and the sleep deprivation that will haunt you for the next couple of days. Yet, every year I find myself running into the freezing water and actually enjoying it. I love being up so early and seeing the sun rise. I love the how alive the cold water makes me feel. I love how majority of people want to be part of it.