Saturday, February 11, 2012

Makes Me Happy

Bunting. For the last couple of months I have become increasingly charmed by bunting of all sorts: traditional triangles, dot garlands - you name it. Literally, anything that remotely resembles bunting makes me happy.

I remember when I first encountered traditional bunting about two years ago, I wasn't all that fussed about it. My now-housemate was showing me excitedly some of the fabric bunting she'd been working on and as much as I tried, I just couldn't share her enthusiasm for it. It looked nice but I just couldn't imagine anyone actually putting it up. To me, it was one of the most useless crafting I ever came across and I rather harshly dismissed it as "this thing English girls do when they are bored". Over the years, though, bunting started to grow on me - to the extent that I started making some paper bunting for my room this past Christmas, followed by some colorful bunting for the living room.

Here are some of my favorite bunting and garland ideas:

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