Friday, April 26, 2013


... the title of this post cracks me up, but it is the best description after all. I have been massively missing in action for the majority of this year. Part of it is due to a lack of time. It is my final year of university and drowning in deadlines, following commitments and enjoying just general life banter, made time just fly by like crazy. I seriously don't know where the year has gone.

The other half of the truth, however, is that I'd put myself under so much pressure to write beautifully that I couldn't write at all anymore. Rather than communicating, it became so much more important to me how I said something and eventually I found myself paralyzed to say anything at all. I wanted to express all the wonderful and special things I was experiencing but I felt that no matter what I said wouldn't do justice to it.

During these past couple of weeks, though, as I was writing my final dissertation, I realized that I missed this blog. I am itching to be creative, I am itching to write. I read countless blogs while procrastinating, and guess what, it dawned on me that people just write whatever is on their hearts. Some express it more beautifully, some less. It doesn't matter. My left side of the brain has been neglected for to long. I am glad to be back.

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